Time Zones Map

Puerto Rico Time Zones

Puerto Rico time zones shows a region in the Puerto Rico that has uniform standard time or same local time. Puerto Rico Time zones are computes as an offset from UTC or Greenwich Mean Time. Puerto Rico Time Zones's local time is UTC minus the current time zone offset.

Puerto Rico a US teritory is located in the atlantic ocean. Puerto Rico is Atlantic Standard Time Zones in winter and North American Eastern Time Zone during the daylight saving time (DST). In the Carribbean region this is considered as the Eastern Caribbean (EDT) timezone. Puerto Rico is located east of Dominican Republic and is in Atlantic Time Zone.

Other US territories in Atlantic Standard Time are U.S. Virgin Islands.

Countires in the Eastern Caribbean (EDT) timezone:

Here is the Puerto Rico Time Zones Map.

Puerto Rico time zones map


Here is the Puerto Rico Time Zones:

Server Time Zone: America/Chicago
Current Time: 8:41 PM CST
Current Date: February 20, 2025
Current Day: Thursday