Time Zones Map

Time Zones France Map

France time zones shows a region in the France that has uniform standard time or same local time. France Time zones are computes as an offset from UTC or Greenwich Mean Time. France Time Zones's local time is UTC plus the current time zone offset.

France is located in Northern Hemisphere in Western Europe. France is the country with world most number of times zones.

Here is the complete list of 12 time zones france:

UTC-10 — French Polynesia

UTC-09:30 — French Polynesia

UTC-09 — French Polynesia

UTC-08 — Clipperton

UTC-04 (AST) — Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin

UTC-03 (PMST) — French Guiana, Saint Pierre and Miquelon

UTC+01 (CET) — Metropolitan France UTC+03 — Mayotte

UTC+04 — Réunion UTC+05 — Kerguelen Islands UTC+11 — New Caledonia UTC+12 — Wallis and Futuna


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Here is the Time Zones France with current time: